Thursday, September 27, 2012

Weekly Meals

It's here! 
I recently purchased a LivingSocial deal for an organic grocery delivery service. The groceries come from a local farm in Mason and you can order produce boxes based on size. They delivery weekly, or biweekly. I ordered the small produce bin and you are at the liberty of what is in season and what they give you each week. I received mine on the front porch yesterday so it's time to plan my weekly meals!
Here's my bin:

Butternut squash, apples, pears, broccoli, basil, grapes, kale, potatoes, tomatoes and avocado.

This weeks meals:
#4 Ham and Cheese Stuffed Apples (Recipe to follow - Brenda original)

{I'll have plenty of squash left over for a Baby Bullet Bonus. 
2 cups of squash, peeled and boiled until soft. Add 1/2 cup of water and viola! 1 week's worth of dinner for Olive.}

For lunch I'll have the BLTs with Avocado. Yum!


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